Uncover Your Narrative

Do you have stories you want to capture, but never make the time?
Do you want to write but get stuck?
Could you benefit from the healing power of writing?

Write in a safe and supportive environment in response to leader-provided prompts.
Experiment with different writing styles, and find your authentic voice.
Learn how to banish writer’s block forever.
Experience attentive listening in affirming community.
All levels of writing experience welcome.

Currently on break

Location: Mountain View
Email Marcia@UncoverYourCalling.com for the addr

Bio: Marcia Davis-Cannon has been a writing leader since experiencing for herself the healing power of a safe writing group.  She loves helping women find their voice, build community, and gain new perspectives.  She trained in the Amherst Writers and Artists method of writing group leadership and in Writing as a Healing Ministry.  She has been leading writing groups since 2004 for Menlo College, Mount Hermon Women’s Conferences, Cancer Support Community, Menlo.Church, and more.
Marcia is a published poet, cancer survivor, and coach, and occasionally guest lectures on The Science behind the Healing Power of Writing.  Additional background at http://www.linkedin.com/in/marciadaviscannon. Contact her at Marcia@UncoverYourCalling.com

More Information:Here’s a blog about this kind of writing group. Recently, the New York Times described some of the scientific evidence of the benefits of writing in Writing Your Way to Happiness, as did Fast Company in Writing Exercises Scientifically Proven To Redirect Your Life.