Uncover Your LifeStory

We are our stories.  The stories we have lived through.  The stories we tell others.  The stories we tell ourselves.

Taking the time to reflect on our stories is powerful, especially in an affirming and non-judgemental group.  We see how much we have overcome.  We remember powerful influences and times of transition.  We feel the weight, the value of our lives.

Sometimes we see patterns that we do not want to continue.  Sometimes we become aware of gaps between the life we intended to lead, and the life we are leading.  Sometimes, one of our stories isn’t working.

The first step in improving our story is understanding what we have been through, and where we are.  Then we’ll choose a story we want to change, and implement powerful techniques to change the trajectory of our story.


How will I know if Uncover Your Lifestory is a good fit for me?

  1. You are at a transition point in your life
  2. You want a better understanding of how you got to this point
  3. One (or more) of your stories isn’t working
  4. You have the time, motivation, and stamina to deeply contemplate your life history, your current abilities, and your desired future.

How much work will I have to do?
Two hours of homework each week.  You’ll get more out of the class by investing more time, but you can learn a great deal with just two hours of focused effort on each week’s assignment.  If you don’t have two hours to attend each class, and two hours to work on each assignment, then defer taking Uncover Your LifeStory until you can carve out that time as a priority.

What can I expect as benefits of putting forth this effort?
You will get new perspectives and understanding of yourself, your history, and your future.  You will be empowered to change what isn’t working and take purposeful action to narrow the gap between where you are and where you want to be.  The hard work of self-discovery and corrective action is facilitated by a thoughtful process and accountability with a supportive group.

Who leads Uncover Your LifeStory?
Marcia Davis-Cannon is a coach with a passion for helping people work through barriers to build a life of joy and purpose. She designed “Uncover Your LifeStory” after seeing the power of life review in her other groups and in her own life.

What is her background?
Marcia had a 20-year corporate career in operations, finance and product management before following a new calling.  She has an MBA from Wharton and a coaching certificate from Western Seminary. She is Director of Large Group Meetings for Career Action Ministry, Series Manager of the Palo Alto Contra Dance, Safety Officer of BACDS, and an officer of her Toastmasters International club,. She does private career coaching as well as executive coaching.  Marcia loves dancing, live theater, and international travel. Additional background at http://www.linkedin.com/in/marciadaviscannon.

How is the course structured?

Module 1:  LifeStory–So Far

  • Write in response to prompts, and share selected stories with the group
  • the major transitions of your life
  • your work history
  • family, starting with grandparents
  • role models
  • relationships

Module 2:  LifeStory–Next Steps

  • Identify stories that aren’t working
  • Establish aspirations for each major role in your life
  • Identify the gaps and challenges that complicate your aspirations
  • Choose a catalyst for change
  • Write a new story, and build in accountability

Can I uncover my lifestory independently?
This material is available through private coaching at 125 dollars per hour or through a 375 dollar package, which includes six 30-minute coaching sessions plus unlimited email support over a 12-week period.

I have more questions.  How do I get them answered?
Email Marcia@UncoverYourCalling.com.

I am interested. How do I sign up?
Email Marcia@UncoverYourCalling.com and express your interest.

Does Marcia offer other groups?
Yes.  Email Marcia@UncoverYourCalling.com for more information
Uncover Your Calling, for finding work that fits
Uncover Your Narrative, for creative and healing writing
Uncover Your Encore, for planning a fulfilling second half of life